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[PDF] Guillaume Apollinaire: The Little Car - Poetry Letters by Huck Gutman

was Apollinaire's third book of poetry; many of the poems in it were calligrams, or what we But let us not get ahead of ourselves: This poem is about you will be familiar with, 'surrealism,' when he described the cutting-edge ballet, Parade 

[PDF] 041420 Flyerspdf

What is your favorite quote? "Come to the edge," he said "We can't, we're afraid -Guillaume Apollinaire This speaks volumes to me no matter how often I 


poems that better reveal the fùndamental cause of the new poetics, such as "Les coloured with a tint of sexual exstasy as the lake, flower and woman come " Marches" can also be interpreted as edges or borders, and thus as another 

[PDF] Toward a Poetics of Witness: Apollinaire, Cendrars - DukeSpace

Through comparing the poetic careers of Apollinaire and Cendrars, two distinct responses to the question 23 For instance, one reader anticipated the criticism to come when he asked Norton Cru: ?N?avez-vous his poetics In a core group of Apollinaire?s war poems, his poetics of witness on the edge of the tablecloth

[PDF] Translating Animals and the Arts through Guillaume Apollinaire

1979, and when I first invited Sarah Kay to come and have a look with me, at a time Gallery publication accompanying the original show, Apollinaire's poems have not and the edge of nothingness, as it posits a similar crux where dark and

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