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Coinbase How many users

How many users does Coinbase have?

  • We have collected data and statistics on Coinbase. Read on below to find out more. Coinbase key statistics. Coinbase has 43 million users worldwide and over 2.8 million people actively exchange every month; Coinbase generated over $1 billion in revenue in 2020, a 136 percent increase on 2019

Is Coinbase safe and legit?

  • Yes, Coinbase is a safe and legit place to buy and sell cryptocurrency. They are the largest Bitcoin exchange and broker in the world. They are the largest Bitcoin exchange and broker in the world. San Francisco, where it's based, has exceptionally strict regulations, and Coinbase is backed by a number of high-profile investors.

Is Coinbase a brokerage account?

  • The private keys (that represent ownership of the crypto) are stored directly on your device and not within a centralized exchange like Coinbase.com. Think of your Coinbase.com account as a brokerage that can store your crypto for you, and Wallet like a traditional cash wallet that gives you direct and complete control over your own crypto assets.

Are Coinbase accounts protected from fraud?

  • Coinbase carries crime insurance that protects a portion of digital assets held across our storage systems against losses from theft, including cybersecurity breaches. However, our policy does not cover any losses resulting from unauthorized access to your personal Coinbase or Coinbase Pro account (s) due to a breach or loss of your credentials.

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