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Companies by NAICS code

How do I create a NAICS code business list?

A NAICS Code business list is an effective tool for each and every company. Get Started Creating Your NAICS Code Download! Fill out the form on the right and a SICCODE.com Data Specialist will assist you every step of the way. Target companies by NAICS Code, Geographic Location, Number of Employees, Sales Volume Ranges, and more...

What does NAICS stand for?

List of Companies by NAICS Code | Download NAICS Code... North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Codes are one of the most popular and effective business and industry targeting tools available. Focus your campaign on the industries and markets that have the greatest return.

How many businesses are there in the NAICS?

Counts by NAICS Industry Sectors Code Industry Title Number of Business Establishments 54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical ... 2,426,347 55 Management of Companies and Enterprises 75,547 56 Administrative and Support and Waste Man ... 1,615,690 61 Educational Services 431,374 17 more rows ...

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