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Competitive pricing strategy

What Is Competitive Pricing Strategy? Competitive pricing is the process of strategically selecting price points for your goods or services based on competitor pricing in your market or niche, rather than basing prices solely on business costs or target profit margins.

What is a pricing strategy based on competition?

Using a pricing strategy based on competition, businesses have three choices when establishing prices for their goods or services: Lower Prices: The prices of your goods or services are lower than your competitors’ prices in your market. This strategy can be lucrative for businesses that are able to capitalize on economies of scale.

How do you set a competitive price?

Competitive Pricing 1 Understanding Competitive Pricing. Businesses have three options when setting the price for a good or service: set it below the competition, at the competition, or above the competition. 2 Premium Pricing. ... 3 Loss Leaders. ... 4 Competitive Pricing and Price Matching Offers. ...

How to perform a competitive pricing analysis to improve your business?

Once you know the competitors that make up your market, perform a competitive pricing analysis to dig into their pricing models and positioning strategies to build a map of current trends. Make sure to look at not only their pricing but also the way it’s packaged, the types of tiers they use, and the features they differentiate on.

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