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Conservative Party leadership

The current holder of the position is Rishi Sunak, who was elected to the position on 24 October, following his unopposed victory in the party's leadership election.

Who is the leader of the UK Conservative Party?

The Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party in the United Kingdom is the elected head and most senior politician of the governing body of the Conservative Party. To date, two of the party’s leaders have been women: Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May. The post is held by Boris Johnson, elected 2019 as May's successor.

How does the Conservative Party leadership election work?

The election takes place in two stages. In the first stage (shortlisting), Conservative MPs put their own names forward. In the 2019 leadership election candidates will need the support of eight MPs (proposer, seconder and six others) to stand. In the 2016 leadership election, candidates only needed the nominations of two other MPs.

What is the Conservative Party board?

The Board is the ultimate decision-making body of the Conservative Party. It is responsible for all operational matters including fundraising, membership and candidates. It is made up of representatives from each section of the Party – voluntary, political and professional.

Conservative Party of Canada

Conservative Party of Canada candidates

Conservative Party of Canada leader