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How does a compiler work step by step?

The compilation process can be divided into four steps, i.e., Pre-processing, Compiling, Assembling, and Linking. The preprocessor takes the source code as an input, and it removes all the comments from the source code. The preprocessor takes the preprocessor directive and interprets it.

How compiler works?

How Compiler Works? How compiler works is not easy to explain in one sentence. The best way is to use an example. A compiler is a computer program that transforms source code written in a high-level programming language into a lower level language.

What is the difference between cross compiler and decompiler?

Cross-Compiler – The compiled program can run on a computer whose CPU or Operating System is different from the one on which the compiler runs. Bootstrap Compiler – The compiler written in the language that it intends to compile. Decompiler – The compiler that translates from a low-level language to a higher level one.

What is the compilation process in programming?

As we already mentioned, the compilation process converts high-level source code to a low-level machine code that can be executed by the target machine. Moreover, an essential role of compilers is to inform the developer about errors committed, especially syntax-related ones. The compilation process consists of several phases:

How does a compiler work in computer?

Why does a compiler work?

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