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Who decides the price of cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin, like any other market, is subject to the rules of supply and demand. i.e. No one, in particular, sets the bitcoin's price nor we can trade it in one place. Each market/exchange determines its price based on supply and demand.

How is the price of cryptocurrencies decided?

The price of cryptocurrencies are decided by the following factors: Government regulation . China recently banned Bitcoin and it led to a fall in its value. Competition with other cryptocurrencies. Public perception. Whether or not it is accepted as a medium of exchange. Was this worth your time? This helps us sort answers on the page.

Who controls the price of cryptocurrency?

This is not under control of any authority, it's control or manage by buyers and sellers (the market utilities) which reflects in price value of the coins on global level. Are cryptocurrencies prices being manipulated? Originally Answered: Are cryptocurrency trading volumes being manipulated?

How do cryptocurrencies work?

In truth, cryptocurrencies work in the same way as fiat currencies. Their value is determined by how much people agree they are worth – plus the factors that also influence FOREX. Not many people know this, but fiat currencies are essentially worthless and only have value because they are the accepted form of currency.

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  1. who determines the price of crypto
  2. who decides crypto prices
What makes crypto prices go up?

What is crypto and how is it made?

How to build your own cryptocurrency?