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How does a search engine works step by step?

Search engines work by simply crawling billions of pages using the web crawlers they have developed. These are commonly referred to as search engine spiders or bots. A search engines spider then navigates the web by following links on a new web page it discovers to find new pages and so forth.

How do search engines work?

Search engines work by crawling the web using bots called spiders. These web crawlers effectively follow links from page to page to find new content to add to the search index. When you use a search engine, relevant results are extracted from the index and ranked using an algorithm. If that sounds complicated, it’s because it is.

What determines the Order of results in a search engine?

The webpages on the first page of results are those that PageRank thinks are the best. Search engines also pay attention to lots of other ‘signals’ when working out the order to show you results. For example how often the page is updated and if it is from a trustworthy domain. There are many search engines to choose from.

How do search engines decide which pages to show in SERPs?

Then look at the Coverage report and in particular the VALID AND INDEXED pages. The third and final step in the process is for search engines to decide which pages to show in the SERPS and in what order when someone types a query. This is achieved through the use of search engine ranking algorithms.

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