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What happens if you get caught driving while banned UK?

For driving whilst disqualified you may receive a prison sentence of up to 6 months imprisonment. For a lesser sentence you may receive a community service curfew order. A fine a fine of up to £5,000 will be imposed and a further disqualification dependent on the seriousness of the offence.

What happens if caught driving while banned?

If you are charged with driving whilst disqualified, your case will be heard at the Magistrates' Court. If the court finds you guilty, this can lead to severe penalties, including a six-month prison sentence, six penalty points on your driving licence, an extended period of disqualification and a fine of up to ꍐ00.

Can you drive after a ban without a license?

No. Driving while disqualified is driving after having been banned by a court. This charge also means you are driving without insurance, as any insurance will be automatically invalid if you are banned from driving.

Is driving whilst disqualified an arrestable Offence?

Driving whilst disqualified is an arrestable offence; you will immediately be taken to the Police station for questioning and processing.

For driving whilst disqualified you may receive a prison sentence of up to 6 months imprisonment. For a lesser sentence you may receive a community service curfew order. A fine a fine of up to ਵ,000 will be imposed and a further disqualification dependent on the seriousness of the offence.

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