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What should I get after CPC?

After Getting Your CPC Certification
  1. Complete Your Apprenticeship. ...
  2. Network with AAPC Members and Organizations. ...
  3. Maintain Your Certification. ...
  4. Find Your Dream Job. ...
  5. Advance Your Career with Lifelong Learning.

What can I do with a CPC?

With a CPC certification, you can work in almost any setting, from a busy urban hospital to a small private practice. You can focus on general practice coding or go on to pursue advanced certification in one of many specialties, such as cardiology, emergency practice, or pediatrics.

Is CCS better than CPC?

Experience: While the CPC credential is a good fit for people just beginning their medical coding career, the CCS may be better suited to experienced medical coders, or those who are interested in advancing their careers.

Which certification is best for medical coding?

Certified Professional Coder (CPC)\n\n Offered by the AAPC, the CPC certification is the most popular in the medical coding field. It covers multiple aspects of the profession, including procedure codes for coding and billing for medical claims in a physician's office.

If you complete the CPC exam prior to having this experience, a CPC-A designation is granted. The “A” in CPC-A stands for apprentice and allows you to work as a certified coder while fulfilling the requirements needed to become a full CPC.

Should I pick up the COC after the CPC?

One of the advantage of picking up the COC after you’ve got the CPC is the fact that they’re such a similar board exam, the knowledge base is pretty much the same. So, if you’ve taken the CPC, and I could be off a little bit, 80% of the COC is the same as the CPC; so it’s already fresh in your mind.

Can I get a credential after the CPC?

A: Let’s go through a thought process of what you want to talk to yourself about if you want to get a credential after the CPC. The first thing that I like to tell people is to remind them the CPC is a core credential. The AAPC has core credentials and specialty credentials.

What are the benefits of a CPC?

Benefits of earning a CPC 1 Yearly earnings. As a medical coder, you may find that you earn a favorable salary without a degree. ... 2 Job outlook. According to the U.S. ... 3 AAPC opportunities. As a certified professional coder, you have the opportunity to attend networking events, trainings and seminars hosted by the AAPC. 4 Recognition. ...

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