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How do I make my website completely private?

Settings ยป Privacy Settings
  1. Launch Your Site.
  2. Find the Privacy Settings.
  3. Coming Soon. Preview Link.
  4. Public. Discourage search engines from indexing this site.
  5. Private. View a Private Site. Change a Site with Followers from Public To Private.

How do I make my website private?

Simply navigate to the Settings section of your WordPress dashboard, and select the Privacy link. In the Privacy Settings page, select the radio button for "I would like to make my blog private, visible only to users I choose."

How do I make my entire WordPress site private?

In that situation, any user with the password receives access to the private page. Another option is to install one of the many free or premium private page or content restriction plugins. They often include features for adding unique user roles to the list of people allowed to view the content.

Open Site Availability Settings\n\n In the Home menu, click Settings. Click Site Availability. Select Public, Password Protected, or Private. Click Save.