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When does workers' comp stop paying you

Your workers' compensation payments will continue until you are able to work again or until you find a new job that pays a comparable salary to your old one. During your convalescence, your employer may offer you a new position that you are able to perform—or that they believe you are able to perform.

What is the longest you can be on workers comp?

Some states limit the length of time an injured worker can receive temporary benefits. This range can be three to seven years. That said, there is not usually a limit on permanent disability benefits. However, some states do stop weekly benefits when employees reach the age of 65.

Can workers comp stop paying without notice in NC?

Up to 260 weeks or 5 years. However, you are entitled to 7 years of benefits when combining Temporary Total and Temporary Partial Disability. For example, if you receive 3 years of temporary total disability benefits, you cannot receive an additional 5 years of partial disability benefits.

How long can you collect workers comp in Massachusetts?

Two years from the date of injury or two years from the date of last compensation payment.