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When is the best time of day to use saxenda

What time should Saxenda® be dosed? Saxenda® can be taken at any time, independent of meals. Once on Saxenda®, if you find a time that is convenient for you, try to take Saxenda® at that time every day.

Is it better to take Saxenda at night or morning?

What time of the day should I use my Saxenda medication? Saxenda can be taken at any time of the day at a time that is convenient for you. For the best results stick to the same time each day.

What time of day should I inject Saxenda?

How Is Saxenda Dosed? Saxenda is an injectable medication you take once a day. You may inject it at the most convenient time for you (e.g., before breakfast, lunch, dinner, or bedtime), but it should be taken at approximately the same time each day.

How do you get the best results with Saxenda?

Make sure to still follow your doctor's meal and exercise plan. Inject under the skin of your stomach, upper leg, or upper arm once daily with or without food. Do not share Saxenda (liraglutide) with others, even if the needle has been changed.

When does Saxenda work best?

Because Saxenda is titrated over the course of four weeks, it can take some time to start working. Some lucky people do see results from the first week. However, most find that it takes 2-3 weeks or more to start seeing any movement on the scales.