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When is the prime of your life

The best years of one's life, when one is at the peak of one's powers, as in She was in the prime of life when she began to lose her sight. The related phrase in one's prime can be applied to objects as well as persons.

What age is your prime of life?

Is there a moment in a person's life when they feel most fulfilled, happiest, or in their prime? Again, the most obvious answer to some might be somewhere around 25. But survey data from YouGov suggest that many consider the prime age to actually be 37.

What age is the best time of your life?

A new survey finds most Americans believe the sweet spot in life is right in the mid-30s. A poll of 2,000 people finds four in 10 would not go back to their 20s. Instead, the perfect age to be frozen in time at is 36 years-old.

Are you in your prime at 35?

physically, a person is in their prime at around 25, so a 35 year old is only 10 years past their prime.

What age is the prime of life for a woman?

It is classically thought that around age 28 women are in the prime of their life in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine.