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When must insurable interest exist in a life insurance policy

For life insurance, the insurable interest only needs to exist at the time the policy is purchased. Since a policyowner must have an insurable interest in the insured at the time the policy is purchased, individuals cannot arbitrarily take out a life insurance policy on anyone they want.

When should insurable interest exist in life insurance?

When buying life insurance, insurable interest must exist at the time the life insurance policy is purchased. If the policyholder and insured person are different, both the policyholder and named beneficiary must have an insurable interest and prove financial loss and hardship if the insured were to pass away.

When was insurable interest exist in a life insurance policy quizlet?

Insurable interest must exist only at the time the applicant enters into a life insurance contract. It must continue for the life of the policy. If no insurable interest exists when a policyowner buys a life insurance policy, the contract may still be enforced. It must exist when a claim is submitted.

When must an insurable interest exist for a life insurance claim quizlet?

Terms in this set (59) In a life insurance policy, when must insurable interest exist? In life insurance, insurable interest must exist between the policyowner and the insured at the time of the application.

Where does insurable interest exist?

A person or entity has an insurable interest in an item, event, or action when the damage or loss of the object would cause a financial loss or other hardships. To have an insurable interest a person or entity would take out an insurance policy protecting the person, item, or event in question.