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When one spouse drinks and the other doesn't

one person drinks and the other doesn't – the researchers suggest it becomes more likely that there'll be a negative impact on relationship quality. "The study shows that it's not about how much they're drinking," Birditt told Linda Thrasybule at Reuters, "it's about whether they drink at all."

What to do when your partner drinks and you don t?

Alcohol interferes with the brain, reducing our ability to think straight or act rationally, it can cause some people to become angry. Evidence shows that while alcohol may not always be the direct cause of a person's aggressive behaviour, it is often a contributing factor, and some people even become violent.

Why do I get angry when my partner drinks?

No, but it is extremely helpful in preventing relapse if your partner lives in an alcohol-free environment, and is not exposed to triggering situations, such as seeing others drink. It is especially important at the beginning of their sobriety when the risk of relapse is the highest.

Do I have to quit drinking if my spouse does?

From intimacy issues, mistrust, a lack of communication to abuse, lack of emotional availability to financial burden and the adverse effects on young children; alcohol abuse in a romantic relationship can have severe effects on both partners, their children, and other family members.