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When should i get a personal trainer

If you're already workout-savvy, you might consider hiring a personal trainer for a fresh perspective while continuing to challenge you toward your goals with an objective eye. They might see areas of your program that could be adjusted to make your workout more interesting, more challenging, or just more fun.

When should I see a personal trainer?

On average, the time frame in which you aim to achieve your goals can act as the main influence on how often you see a personal trainer. If you have short term goals, such as wanting to achieve something within a 2-3 month time frame, you should meet with a personal trainer more frequently.

Will a personal trainer really help?

Working out with a personal trainer can actually boost the success rate of achieving your fitness goals by more than 30 percent, according to a study by the Journal of Sports Science ɪmp; Medicine. So whether you want to get in shape for the summer, beat the competition in a marathon, or just feel better...go for it!

Should I get a personal trainer first time in gym?

You don't need a trainer, even if you're new.\n\n But, if you're new to the gym, work with a trainer, at least initially. Poor form when working out can lead to injury. A trainer will make sure you get a good start.