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When should i sell my bitcoin tarkov

Is Bitcoin farming profitable tarkov?

Using the Tarkov Bitcoin Farm Calculator, and inputting the correct current prices, we can see that the Roubles per hour (not profit) generated from the Bitcoin farm ranges between 5,007₽ and 17,574₽, depending on how many GPUs you have installed.

How much does Bitcoin sell for in tarkov?

The current real life value of a single bitcoin is 800,283.72 Roubles. Since the game item is 0.2 bitcoin we take 20% of this value to get 160,056.74 Roubles.

How long does it take to farm Bitcoin tarkov?

The value of this item is linked to the real world Bitcoin price. This has been confirmed by Nikita, the COO of Battlestate Games on Reddit. Can be produced in the Bitcoin farm every 40 hours 17 minutes, when having one Graphics card installed.

Can you sell Bitcoin on flea market tarkov?

Players will no longer be able to sell Bitcoins on the Flea market. Instead, they will have to visit the therapist to do so.