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When should you take a break from weight lifting

Taking a few days off will actually do more to improve your fitness and training. Typically, I recommend that people take a few days off from exercising every six to eight weeks, assuming you work out at a good intensity and are consistent.
  1. Fatigue.
  2. Loss of motivation to train.
  3. Prolonged soreness.

How long should you break from lifting?

One study found that it took 72 hours of rest — or 3 days — between strength training sessions for full muscle recovery, while research from the ACE Scientific Advisory Panel says that a recovery period could be anywhere from two days up to a week depending on the type of exercise.

Is it OK to take 2 weeks off from lifting weights?

For active bodybuilders they are advised to take a weekly break from weight lifting every 8 to 12 weeks. If you are not an active or competitive bodybuilder, you do not need to wait this long to take your breaks. A rest day or two every week is better to prevent overtraining.

When should I take time off lifting weights?

Athletes typically lose less overall muscle strength during a break than nonathletes. In general, you can take up to three or four weeks off without seeing a noticeable drop in your strength performance.