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When they go low we go high traduction

When they go low we go high meaning?

When Mrs. Obama said "When they go low, we go high" she meant no matter how good of a human being you are or how tirelessly you dedicate yourself to performing good deeds in the lives of others, someone will always have a problem with you. When this occurs and your enemies try and serve you a cool glass of Hateraid, you take the high road.

What does Obama mean when they go low we go high?

Answer Wiki. When Mrs. Obama said "When they go low, we go high" she meant no matter how good of a human being you are or how tirelessly you dedicate yourself to performing good deeds in the lives of others, someone will always have a problem with you.

What does it mean to go high?

“Going high means finding the purpose in your rage. Rage without reason, without a plan, without direction is just more rage. And we’ve been living in a lot of rage.” She added that going low is “unsustainable” and explained: “If going low worked, we’d do it. It might be a ‘quick fix’ but it doesn’t fix anything over the long term.

When they use lowdown tactics such as accusations and name-calling, we adhere to a higher standard of behavior and don't engage them on the same low level of discourse. I'm sure there are better ways to express it, so let's wait for others.

When they see us

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