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When to call police for car accident

You're required to stop at the scene of an auto collision and give reasonable assistance to anyone who was injured. If you were involved in the collision, you must call the police to the scene, and make an accident report within 24 hours if the crash resulted in someone's injury or death.

Do you have to report an accident to the nearest police station?

Report the accident to any police officer at a police station or at any office set aside by a competent authority(eg. Metro Police) for use by a traffic officer, and there produce his or her driving licence and furnish his or her identity number and such information as required.

How long do you have to report a car accident in NY?

must file their own accident report within 10 days from the date of accident or DMV may suspend your driver's license until your report is received. To meet the filing requirements, you must fill out and file the Report of Motor Vehicle Accident (PDF) (MV-104).

Do you need a police report for a fender bender in Florida?

Essentially, Florida requires motorists to report an accident when any person (passenger, driver, pedestrian, bicyclist, etc.) is injured or killed. In addition, if any property (including vehicles) are damaged in what appears to be a minimum of $500 worth of damage, the accident must be reported.

Do you have to call the police after an accident in Texas?

Under Texas law, you're required to report a collision if it involves injury, death, or property damage to a vehicle that renders it impossible to drive. The statute mentions contacting authorities by the quickest means of communication, so you should call 911 and wait for assistance following such a crash.