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When to leave an alcoholic boyfriend

How long does the average alcoholic male live?

The teetotaler (0 drinks/week) and the excessive drinker (8+ drinks/week) were projected to live to 92 and 93 years old, respectively. The same person having one drink per week was projected to live to 94, and the moderate drinker (2-7 drinks/week) was projected to live 95 years.

What does alcoholism do to your relationship?

From intimacy issues, mistrust, a lack of communication to abuse, lack of emotional availability to financial burden and the adverse effects on young children; alcohol abuse in a romantic relationship can have severe effects on both partners, their children, and other family members.

Should I break up with my boyfriend because he drinks too much?

However, if your partner does not want to get treatment or refuses to admit there's a problem then it might be time to move on. If your partner's drinking behavior is already endangering your own physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, then you should not feel bad about choosing to leave a toxic relationship.

What is the typical personality of an alcoholic?

Although different stages of alcoholism can affect people in very different ways, certain alcoholic personality traits are present among problematic drinkers. This includes a constant focus on alcohol, blaming others, frequent excuses, uncontrolled drinking, financial struggles, shifting priorities, and recklessness.