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When to see an endocrinologist for weight loss

Losing weight isn't always as simple as dieting and exercising; a number of factors, seen and unseen, can affect your progress. When you encounter one of these unseen aspects of weight loss, you may not understand why you're not losing the weight; this is when you need to consider visiting an endocrinologist.

Can seeing an endocrinologist help with weight loss?

Endocrinologists, who are specialists in hormones and metabolism, can evaluate and treat obesity as well as weight-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. They can prescribe anti-obesity medications and care for you throughout your weight journey.

When should I see an endocrinologist for weight?

If you find yourself gaining weight with no apparent explanation or changes in diet or exercise, you should discuss this with your doctor. An endocrinologist can help identify hormonal imbalances by reviewing your symptoms and performing laboratory tests when necessary.

How do I know if my hormones are keeping me from losing weight?

Where do I start? If you think hormones are sabotaging your weight loss, it may be worth getting a blood test (such as our Female Hormone Blood Test), to check key biomarkers such as your thyroid and oestrogen levels.

What hormones should be tested for weight loss?

Estradiol. An estradiol test is an important blood test for weight loss. Estradiol is a hormone produced in the ovary and helps in the development of female secondary sex characteristics. A lack of estradiol has been shown to increase food craving and overeating while reducing the body's ability to burn fat.