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When to use exact match keywords

The phrase "exact match" is commonly used when targeting your ad to types of searches with Google AdWords. Exact match in AdWords means that you only want your ad to show up for a specific word or phrase.

Should I only use exact match keywords?

Exact match gives you the most control over who sees your ad, but reaches fewer searches than both phrase and broad match. This allows you to reach only users who make searches with the same meaning as your keywords, including: Misspellings.

Is it better to use broad match phrase or exact match?

With phrase match, you can reach more searches than with exact match and fewer searches than with broad match, only showing your ads on the searches that include your product or service. The syntax for phrase match is to put quotes around your keyword, such as tennis shoes.

Do exact match keywords cost more?

Google Ads Keyword Match Type Experiment Conclusions\n\n For the traffic cost, broad match modifier was slightly cheaper (at $1.57 per click compared to $1.64 for the exact match) but had a much lower conversion rate.

Do you have to use the exact keyword for SEO?

In general, it's no longer necessary to worry about using exact keywords throughout your content. If it sounds awkward or you use the keywords too many times, you may even harm your content and SEO.