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When was it built

When was my house built?

When Was My House Built? An easy way to find out the age of your house is to check the HM Land Registry records. The HM Land Registry have historical ownership records called Title Registers (Deeds). You can check the age of the property by seeing when the transfer was originally made from the property developer to the first owner.

What is the past tense of 'was built'?

'Was built' is the passive form of the verb; 'of brick', 'by William Delapole', and 'in the reign of Henry VI' are adverb phrases. use past tense because the building process of Florence was hundreds years ago. "These old houses are built of stone."

When were houses built in the UK?

The UK is well-known for having a wide variety of differing house types, but there are certain architectural trends that will give you a good idea as to when it was built. Although there are some parts where properties back to as early as the 12th century (in Bath for example), most of the country’s housing stock dates back five centuries at most.

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