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When was national insurance first introduced

William Beveridge was an adviser. The National Insurance Act 1911 created a national system of insurance to protect working people against loss of income relating to sickness or unemployment (thereby reducing the demand on Poor Law assistance).

Who introduced National Insurance in UK?

It was one of the foundations of the modern welfare state. It also provided unemployment insurance for designated cyclical industries. It formed part of the wider social welfare reforms of the Liberal Governments of 1906–1915, led by Henry Campbell-Bannerman and H. H. Asquith.

When was NI first introduced?

It acts as a form of social security, since payment of NI contributions establishes entitlement to certain state benefits for workers and their families. Introduced by the National Insurance Act 1911 and expanded by the Labour government in 1948, the system has been subjected to numerous amendments in succeeding years.

How many years of NI contributions do I need for full pension?

To get the full basic State Pension you need a total of 30 qualifying years of National Insurance contributions or credits. This means you were either: working and paying National Insurance.

What does UK National Insurance pay for?

National Insurance contributions are a tax on earnings and self-employed profits paid by employees, employers and the self-employed. They can help to build your entitlement to certain benefits depending whether you are employed or self-employed, such as the State Pension and Maternity Allowance.