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When was Shen Nung born

Shennong, (Chinese: Divine Husbandman) Wade-Giles romanization Shen Nung, formally Yandi, in Chinese mythology, second of the mythical emperors, said to have been born in the 28th century bce with the head of a bull and the body of a man.

Where was Shennong born?

Shennong as depicted in a 1503 painting by Guo Xu

When was Shen Nung emperor?

Emperor Shen-Nung was the second of China's mythical emperors (3500-2600 BCE). Widely considered the father of Chinese medicine, he has catalogued over 365 species of medicinal plants.

What is Shen Nung known for?

it is said that emperor shennong, the father of Chinese agriculture and medicine, was ....his - Brainly.in.