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What's the difference between a theme and a template

Theme: A theme is used to brand sites with logos, fonts and colors whereas a template is used to build iterations of sites that are similar in layout or general content. As with any site, you can change the theme in a site that was created from a template.

Do themes come with templates?

Typically, themes come along with different templates. You can install and use any number of templates, unlike a theme in which you can only use one on the site. WordPress templates are single-page layouts, it's a part of a theme that defines how a site will look like.

What are templates and design theme?

A template is a theme plus some content for a specific purpose—such as a sales presentation, a business plan, or a classroom lesson. So a template has design elements that work together (colors, fonts, backgrounds, effects) along with sample slides and boilerplate content that you augment to tell your story.

What is theme or template of website?

A theme is the foundation for the complete design of a website. This includes things like typography, color palettes, headers and footers, backgrounds, and page layouts.

What is the difference between theme and design?

A theme is not something you can create, because it already exists. It is something to implement. However, any design is a result of the process of creation, as it is inspired and requires the creative process to create something new or fresh.