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Where are pieces of the World Trade Center

Cleanup workers trucked most of the building materials and debris from Ground Zero to Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island.

Where are all the pieces of the World Trade Center?

The artifacts went to community groups, museums, fire stations and military bases from Manhattan to Afghanistan. The rest can be seen at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center and in state museums in New York and New Jersey.

Where is the World Trade Center debris?

The city trucked the debris from the disaster site, designated Ground Zero, to docks at the southern tip of Manhattan. From there the city used Department of Sanitation barges to transport the debris to the recently closed Fresh Kills Landfill in the borough of Staten Island.

Is there a piece of the twin towers in every state?

The attacks on the WTC left more than 2,600 people dead. The debris of the towers mixed with the remains of hundreds of people. In order to have the space needed to retrieve and identify human remains, the debris was taken to a closed landfill on Staten Island immediately after the attack.