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Where did alternative medicine come from

In ancient Greece the Hippocratic movement, commonly regarded as the fathers of medicine, actually gave rise to modern naturopathy and indeed much of today's CAM. They placed great emphasis on a good diet and healthy lifestyle to restore equilibrium; drugs were used more to support healing than to cure disease.

Who started alternative medicine?

Originating in ancient China, this practice has evolved over thousands of years. Traditional Chinese Medicine practices involve the use of herbs, dietary therapy, and mind and body practices such as acupuncture and tai chi.

What is alternative medicine based on?

Alternative medicine refers to unproven or disproven methods used instead of standard medical treatments to prevent, diagnose, or treat cancer. They have either not been thoroughly tested in clinical trials, or they have been tested and found not to work against cancer.

Why do they call it alternative medicine when it is the original medicine?

In the U.S. it refers to forms of medicine that are not widely accepted or practiced by medical doctors, particularly those that do not have as much scientific evidence to support them as more mainstream methods. Some types of alternative medicine have been around for hundreds and even thousands of years.