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Where do i get my buckid

The BuckID Office is located at 3040 Ohio Union, 1739 N. High Street. Orientation students - You need to bring a photo ID (state-issued driver's license, state-issued ID card or passport) and your student profile. The student profile will be given to you when you check in for orientation.

How do I pick up a buck ID?

For Columbus Campus students, they should schedule an appointment online. Regional campus students should contact their regional campus BuckID office for pickup instructions. All students picking up a BuckID will be required to show a valid government photo ID or passport before they will be issued their BuckID.

What is my Buck ID?

Your BuckID is your official university ID. Many departments use BuckID as a means to grant access to their information and services.

How do I refill my buck ID?

You can deposit funds to your BuckID account with a credit or debit card by clicking "Make a Deposit" on the BuckID home page. There is a $10 minimum for online deposits. The BuckID Office accepts cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover for BuckID deposits.

How do I get an ID card for Ohio State University?

As an Ohio State Online student, you may get a digital BuckID, the official identification card of The Ohio State University. Your digital ID will be available through the Ohio State app . Visit myphoto.osu.edu to submit a passport-style photo and government-issued ID.