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Where do i send my medi-cal renewal form

Medi-Cal Renew Your Medi-Cal Coverage
  1. Email: SFMedi-Cal@sfgov.org.
  2. Fax: (415) 355-2432.
  3. Mail: Human Services Agency, P.O. Box 7988, San Francisco, CA 94120.

How do I email Medi-Cal?


How do I contact Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal Rx ​Members and Providers: If you have a question, need help, or need to report a problem, please call (800) 977-2273 for our Medi-Cal Rx Customer Service Center (CSC)​. CSC hours are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

How do I update my information with Medi-Cal?

Update your contact information\n\n Find your local county office, or call the Medi-Cal Member Helpline at (800) 541-5555.

How do I renew my Medi-Cal San Diego?

After 90 days, you will have to submit a brand new Medi-Cal application. To apply for Medi-Cal or discuss your Medi-Cal renewal, call our IEHP Enrollment Advisors at (866) 294-4347, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm. TTY users should call (800) 720-4347.