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Where do non accidental injuries appear on a child

Spotting the Signs of a Non-Accidental Injury Cuts and bruises can appear in many places on a child's body. Common areas include the knees, elbows, shins and forehead. These locations tend to break a child's fall when they are involved in a collision or trip, indicating that the trauma was unintentional.

What is a common site for non-accidental injury?

The most common sites for non-accidental injury are:\n\n Mouth. Shoulders. Chest. Upper and inner arms. Stomach/abdomen.

How do you identify non-accidental injuries?

What are the signs and symptoms of non-accidental injury? The most common lesions caused by non-accidental injury are bruises and abrasions, followed by lacerations, scratches, soft tissue swellings, strap marks, haematomas, thermal burns and bites.

What signs would indicate that a child was injured?

A Non-accidental injury is a term is used to describe physical injuries, or signs of abuse to a child. These injuries are often identified when a parent or guardian takes the child to a doctor for treatment and they are unable to explain how the injury occurred, or their explanation may be inadequate.