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Where is the cheapest place to buy a car battery

Who has the best prices for car batteries?

Walmart is hands down the cheapest place to buy a car battery. They carry EverStart batteries, their in-store brand manufactured by Clarios, which also makes Optima batteries. In addition to EverStart, some Walmart stores carry other brands such as Bosch and Optima.

Where can I get a battery for a good price?

Overall, you'll likely find low prices on store-brand and off-brand batteries at Walmart, Sam's Club, Amazon, Costco and Best Buy.

How much should I pay for a good car battery?

Average Price of a Car Battery\n\n Car batteries typically last anywhere from two to five years, depending on the battery type, climate and vehicle. Based on the make and model of your vehicle, you can expect to pay around $50 to $120 for a standard car battery and around $90 to $200 for a premium type.