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Where to find my sic code

To find an SIC code, visit the SIC site of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department at the United States Department of Labor.

How can I find my SIC code UK?

SIC is an acronym for the Standard Industrial Classification system created in 1937 by the United States. SIC Codes represent different industries. They are commonly used for statistical analyses of businesses in the United States and other countries that have adopted the classification system.

What is an SIC code for a business?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing natural cheese (except cottage cheese), processed cheese, cheese foods, cheese spreads, and cheese analogs (imitations and substitutes).

What is SIC code 2022?

SIC 8 Digit Code - A 8-digit Standard Industrial Classification code identifying a line of operations for a business at the most specific level. Local Activity Type Code - A Dun ɪmp; Bradstreet code identifying the type of activity code (i.e., 1987 SIC Code) represented in the Primary Local Activity Code field.