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Which cell has the shortest lifespan

Cells lining the surface of the gut, known by other methods to last for only five days, are among the shortest-lived in the whole body.

Which cell has longest lifespan?

The longest living cells are 'Neurons'. Neurons are unique because of the fact that the mature cells oppose division to create new cells after development in the foetus. While other cells in the body die and regenerate, many neurons remain the same throughout a person's lifespan.

Which WBC has shortest lifespan?

Basophils- Basophils are the least numerous of the granulocytes and make up less than 1 percent of all white blood cells present in the human body. They have a lifespan of a few days.

Which is the shortest cell in human body?

The granule cell of the cerebellum is the smallest cell in the body. It measures between 4 and 4.5 micrometers in length.

What is the lifespan of each cell?

Cells aren't created equal when it comes to the length of their life cycles. For example, white blood cells only live for about 13 days, whereas red blood cells live for about 120 days. Liver cells, on the other hand, can live up to 18 months. Cells in the brain will stay alive throughout a person's life.