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Which innovation in american politics did a minor party introduce?

Which innovation in American politics did a minor party introduced?

Which innovation in American politics did a minor party introduce? A minor party introduced the idea of national nominating conventions.

What is the role of minor parties in American politics?

Having minor party status affords the minor party the ability to nominate for the office without having to gather signatures at the next election for that office. The second step in maintaining a minor party is to file party rules.

What is one effect that minor parties have on the American political system quizlet?

What is one effect that minor parties have on the American political system? They take votes from major party candidates.

What has been the historical role of minor parties in America quizlet?

What role have minor parties played in American politics? -they have fallen into four broad categories: ideological parties, single-issue parties, economic protest parties, and splinter parties. -they can play a spoiler role in elections by taking critical votes from a major party.