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Which is an example of an objective statement quizlet

Objective Example: "That car is very cool looking." A statement that expresses the belief, opinion, or personal preference of a person.

Which is an example of an objective statement?

A good objective statement tells the hiring manager the goal of your resume. An example of this can be something along the lines of: An experienced social media manager with a proven track record of measurable results. I'm aiming to work for a brand focused on social justice initiatives.

What is an objective statement quizlet?

Define Objective. -Based on facts rather than feelings or opinions. -Not influenced by feelings.

What is subjective and objective statement?

Objective. Objective statements are facts that can be verified by third parties while subjective. statements may or may not be entirely true as they are colored by the opinions of the. speaker.i.

Which is subjective and objective quizlet?

A Subjective statement has opinions about a subject while Objective statements are factual with no opinions.