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Which is better bsc nursing or bams

Keeping in mind about the opportunities and career growth , BSc Nursing is better than BAMS course. There are n number of ways to create employment after BSc Nursing and the salary will also increase with your experience. Whereas in case of BAMS only few opportunities have to struggle.

Which course is the best BSc Nursing or BHMS?

Bsc nursing is better than bhms. Because Bsc nursing has more scope than bhms. Nursing plays important role in healthcare and it is one of the respected profession.

Which field is best after BSc nursing?

After finishing BSc in Nursing you can opt for MSc in nursing which will improve their prospects in the job market. You can specialize in psychiatry, Medical-Surgical, Community Health and Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The higher study programs after B.

Which stream is best for BSc nursing?

Aspirants can opt for BSc nursing after completing class 12 with Physics , Chemistry , Biology as mandatory subjects.