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Which is better domain .net or .org

net domain may be a better choice than . org or . info. This is because these domains generally have more traffic and are easier to rank in search engines.

Is .net a good domain?

Many experts recommend purchasing the . net extension for your website in addition to the .com extension. This will protect you from competitors who might try to use your website's name with a . net extension to either commit fraud or to pass themselves off as your website.

What is more trustworthy .org or net?

In general, the . net extension is trusted and perceived as authoritative by consumers. It's also been around enough that people can easily remember it. From the SEO end of things, . net is better than other specialty extensions.

Is it better to have a .com or .net domain?

Both are suitable for businesses and have specific purposes that differentiate them from one another. The main difference between .com and . net top level domains is that .com is intended for commercial use, while . net is best for network services.

Is .net domain still popular?

It isn't as popular as .com, but it's still widely used. Although it was almost always used for businesses associated with technology and the web, it's now considered a viable business domain extension alternative for businesses that can't snag a .com TLD.