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Which is higher solicitor general or attorney general

The Solicitor and Attorney General of India differ as the Attorney General of India is superior to the Indian Solicitor General. They are the second law enforcement official in the nation, working with the Attorney General and the Additional Solicitors General of India.

What is the difference between Solicitor General and Attorney General in US?

The Solicitor General evaluates, and makes recommendations to the Attorney General concerning, requests for Florida to join or file an amicus brief in cases to which the State is not a party.

What is the difference between Attorney General and Solicitor General UK?

The Solicitor General supports the Attorney across the range of her responsibilities. This includes: Deputising for the Attorney General and responsible for such matters as the Attorney General delegates to him.

What does Solicitor General mean?

Legal Definition\n\n solicitor general. noun. plural solicitors general. : a law officer appointed primarily to assist an attorney general. also : a federal law officer responsible for representing the government in court and especially the U.S. Supreme Court.

Who is the current Solicitor General in Kenya?

Mr. Kennedy Ogeto CBS, is the current Solicitor General of the Republic of Kenya. Mr. Ogeto is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya of over twenty-seven (27) years standing.