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Which is more popular facebook or instagram 2022

Without a doubt, Facebook retains the most massive audience of all social media platforms worldwide. In the U.S. alone, more than two-thirds of adults say they use the site. The social network also boasts the most advanced targeting options for marketers who want to advertise.

Is Instagram more popular than Facebook 2022?

Instagram - 1.47 billion. WeChat (Weixin) - 1.25 billion. TikTok - 1 billion. Facebook Messenger - 988 million.

What is the most popular social media in 2022?

All channels have seen an increase, however, unsurprisingly it is TikTok that takes the crown of the fastest growing social media channel in 2022. Of the 3,000 participants, 40% state that they plan to use TikTok in 2022 as part of their social media strategy.

What is the fastest growing social media platform 2022?

Here's what the latest data tell us: Number of Facebook users in the world (monthly active users): 2.934 billion (July 2022) Number of people who use Facebook each day (DAU): 1.968 billion (July 2022)