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Whats a good GPA to graduate college with

Most commonly, students graduate cum laude (Latin for "with praise") when they earn a 3.5-3.7 GPA, magna cum laude ("with great praise") when they earn a 3.7-3.9 GPA, and summa cum laude ("with highest praise") when they earn a 3.9 GPA or higher.

What is a good GPA for graduating college?

Like high school, a good college GPA is generally 3.7 or above, and ideally higher in your major classes. Graduate schools in particular tend to weight GPAs more heavily than test scores.

Is A 3.5 A Good GPA?

Is a 3.5 GPA in high school considered good? A 3.5 GPA correlates to a B+ average and indicates that you have consistently earned above-average grades and makes you eligible to apply for a wide range of colleges, so yes! Objectively, a 3.5 GPA is considered good.