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Which of the following are good Windows system security practices

10 Security Tips to Harden Your Computer and Protect Your Business
  • Disable Windows 10 automatic login.
  • Set a password with your screensaver.
  • Turn on your firewall.
  • Disable remote access.
  • Enable or install antivirus protection tools.
  • Enable auto-updates for your operating system.
  • Set up file backups.
  • Turn on encryption.

Which of the following are good operating systems security practices?

The most common techniques used to protect operating systems include the use of antivirus software and other endpoint protection measures, regular OS patch updates, a firewall for monitoring network traffic, and enforcement of secure access through least privileges and user controls.

Which one of the following is a good practice in desktop security?

Install and configure anti-‐Spyware programs. Configure system restore points to protect your current configuration. Perform regularly scheduled backups to protect data. Turn off computer when not in use; restrict physical access to computer.

What are the best practices for security on Windows Server?

Why is it important to implement security best practices?

What are the 10 basic information security practices?

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