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Which of the following are the developers accountable for

What is a developer accountable for?

The Developers are always accountable for: Creating a plan for the Sprint, the Sprint Backlog and plan may include design, development and testing works. Typically developers create multiple sub-tasks for backlog items based on the Definition of Done.

Who is accountable for managing the progress of work during a sprint?

Who manages a sprint? The scrum team is responsible for managing each sprint. As a product manager, it is helpful to understand how each scrum role contributes. This will help you work effectively with the scrum team to deliver functionality that customers really want.

Which of the following are topics for the developers to discuss at the daily scrum?

A sprint goal promotes product backlog cohesion. It provides a focus that helps members of the team to develop features or functionality that work well together. A sprint goal helps stakeholders understand the aim of the sprint. A sprint goal promotes a coherent, focused decision-making process.

Which of the following is a Developer accountable for? (Choose the best two answers.) A . Selecting the Product Owner. B . Reporting productivity. C . Creating a plan for the Sprint, the Sprint Backlog. D . Organizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal. Quote Topic Tags Scrum Certification Forum Jump: Previous Topic Next Topic

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  4. which of the following is a developer accountable for scrum
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