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Which of the following is not an example of an indirect loss

Which one of the following losses is an indirect loss? ... insurance contract is an example of: (a) risk avoidance (b) self-insurance (c) loss reduction (d) ...

What is an example of indirect loss?

Indirect Loss Insurance Example\n\n If a tornado destroys the roof of a store, not only are there rebuilding costs, but the business cannot operate until the damage is fixed. Income lost during the rebuilding -- and after it, if customers stick with the alternatives they find in the meantime -- represents an indirect loss.

What are the three 3 elements of a loss exposure?

Loss exposure, loss, and claim are the three terms. Loss Exposure refers to someone or something that may be harmed, destroyed, vanished, died, become disabled, or get ill due to another person's action or an unintentional event. The majority of loss risks can be insured.

What are direct and indirect losses?

Direct losses refer to the physical or structural impact caused by the disaster such as the destruction of infrastructure caused by the force of high winds, flooding or ground shaking. Indirect effects are the subsequent or secondary results of the initial destruction, such as business interruption losses.

What is indirect loss in risk management?

A loss or damage that results from an insured's inability to use his/her property because of direct loss to the property of others.

What is an example of a direct loss?

Example. If a restaurant's oven catches fire and sustains damage, that damage is a direct loss. If smoke from the fire damages the restaurant, causing operations to cease for weeks, the loss of business revenue is an indirect loss.

What does indirect loss mean in insurance?

Definition. Indirect loss is an expense caused by damage or injury to covered people or property, which is beyond the scope of the covered damage. This expense is attributable to the covered loss, but is not part of the covered loss itself.

What is an indirect loss for a restaurant fire?

If a restaurant's oven catches fire and sustains damage, that damage is a direct loss. If smoke from the fire damages the restaurant, causing operations to cease for weeks, the loss of business revenue is an indirect loss. Most insurance policies do not provide coverage for indirect losses.

Loss of income subsequent to a direct property loss Continuing expenses incurred during a shutdown after a direct property loss Extra expenses to keep a business operating after a direct property loss Production machine is destroyed due to fire ; Question: Question 30 (10 points) Which of the following is not an indirect loss? Loss of income subsequent to a direct property loss Continuing expenses incurred during a shutdown after a direct property loss Extra expenses to keep a business ...


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  1. which of the following is an example of an indirect loss
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  4. example of indirect losses
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