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Which of the following is not an extended coverage peril

Which of the following perils is not covered under the Extended Coverage Endorsement to the DP-1? Weight of ice, snow or sleet - Weight of ice, snow or sleet is not part of the Extended Coverage perils.

What perils are included in extended coverage?

Extended coverage include coverage for the perils of windstorm, hail, explosion, riot, civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism, malicious mischief, theft, and breakage of glass.

What are the 3 categories of perils?

human perils. One of three broad categories of perils commonly referred to in the insurance industry which include not only human perils, but also natural perils and economic perils.

What are coverage extensions?

Insurance extensions, or coverage extensions, include coverage that is already part of your policy but extended in some way. 1. In many cases, the extended coverage is small and provided at no additional cost. An example of an extension on general liability insurance is called Customer Property Protection.

Which of the following is an example of a peril?

Perils are the events that cause loss or damage to property. Fire, flooding, or vehicle impact are all examples of perils.

What is an extended coverage endorsement?

Definition. Extended Coverage (EC) Endorsement — an endorsement to a standard fire policy adding coverage for the following perils: windstorm, hail, explosion (except of steam boilers), riot, civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, and smoke. The EC perils are now included in most property policies without the need for a separate endorsement.

What is an example of a named peril?

Under named-peril forms, only losses from the perils named in the policy are covered. The named perils are sometimes defined narrowly; for example, theft claims are not paid if the property is merely lost and theft cannot be established.

What is not covered under fire insurance policy?

However, the fire insurance policy does not cover the loss, destruction or the damage caused to: The policy also does not cover the damage or destruction caused by centrifugal forces. It covers the loss or damage caused by Aircraft, other aerial or space devices.

Special Hazard Coverage As of the Cut-Off Date approximately $8,353,380, and thereafter on each anniversary of the Cut-Off Date, the Special Hazard Coverage shall be reduced, but not increased, to an amount equal to the lesser of (1) the greatest of (a) the aggregate Principal Balance of the Loans located in the single California zip code area containing the largest aggregate Principal Balance of the Loans, (b) 1% of the aggregate unpaid Principal Balance of the Loans and (c) twice the ...


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  1. which is not an extended coverage peril
  2. what are extended coverage perils
  3. what does extended coverage perils mean
  4. which of the following is covered under coverage e of the dwelling policy
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