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Which of the following is often prominently addressed in contract bailment transactions

A key aspect of a bailment contract is often the limitation of the liability that the common law rules of bailment create.

Which of the following is an example of a bailment?

Contracts for the lease of a car, for sale of goods on consignment, and for the transport of goods are examples of bailments.

What are the three elements of a bailment?

Three elements are generally necessary for the existence of a bailment: delivery, acceptance, and consideration. Actual possession of or control over property must be delivered to a bailee in order to create a bailment.

Which of the following is an example of a bailment quizlet?

House-sitting would be an example of a bailment because you are in temporary possession of someone's house with the intention to return full possession to the owners upon their return.

Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the creation of a bailment quizlet?

Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the creation of a bailment? For a bailment to be created, it is necessary for the parties to have anticipated that the property would be returned at the end of the bailment period.

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