Which of the following is one of the main characteristics of a whole life insurance policy?
Compared to other forms of permanent coverage, a whole life policy has three defining characteristics: The level premium remains the same for life. The death benefit is guaranteed as long as the guaranteed premiums are paid. The policy includes guaranteed cash values that grow at a guaranteed rate.
What are the main features of whole life insurance quizlet?
It provides guaranteed death benefit protection for the insured's whole life. No matter when the insured dies, the policy pays the face amount stated in the policy. Under most whole life policies, the covered lifespan extends to age 120. It includes a guaranteed cash value that gradually builds inside the policy.
Which of the following are characteristics of whole life insurance except?
All of the following are characteristics of whole life insurance, EXCEPT: The cash value in a permanent life insurance policy is not a nonforfeiture benefit.
What is a whole of life insurance policy?
Whole-of-life policies are designed to provide a sum of money (the sum assured) to a customer's family or estate when the customer dies. The customer pays either a lump sum at the outset or a premium every month.
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