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Which of the following nursing diagnoses is written properly using the pes format?

Which of the following diagnoses is in the correct PES format? 12. Answer: 4. A nursing diagnosis in a PES format includes the diagnostic label, related factor and the defining characteristics the diagnosis is evidenced by.

What is PES format in nursing diagnosis?

PES = Problem related to the Etiology (cause) as evidenced/manifested by the Signs and Symptoms (defining characteristics). PE = Potential problem related to the Etiology (cause). There are no signs and symptoms, because the problem has not occurred yet.

What are the 3 parts of the nursing diagnosis PES quizlet?

The PES format is a nursing diagnosis in three parts. It includes diagnostic label, etiological statement, and symptoms or defining characteristics. The P stands for problem, the E stands for etiology or related factor, and the S stands for symptoms or defining characteristics.

What does the P in PES stand for?

Three components make up the PES statement :\n\n The Problem (P)– the Nutrition Diagnosis. The Etiology (E)– the cause/s of the nutrition problem (Nutrition Diagnosis) The Signs and Symptoms (S)– the evidence that the nutrition problem (Nutrition Diagnosis) exists.

What does the acronym PES stand for quizlet?

The acronym PES stands for problem, etiology, and symptoms. Incisional pain is "the etiology or related factor" in this diagnosis statement. Impaired physical mobility is "the problem" in this statement. Evidenced by restricted turning and positioning is "the symptom" in this statement.

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